Hello! The July calendar is ready to go – are you? There are 2 versions of the running calendar this month. One calendar has running and strength training days. The other is a July calendar with space to use as a running journal. You can track your workouts and runs if you’re following your own training plan.
Plus there are 2 Running Warm-Ups for you coming soon!
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Marathon training Day 3
Marathon training Day 3
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If you’re already on the Run eat Repeat email list it ought to be in your inbox.Check your spam folder and if it’s not there either –
Click here for the JULY calendar for RUNNERS.
July 2020 Running workout Calendar
July workout calendar for Runners
Get the July 2020 Running workout Calendar. then you have 3 easy steps to make it a terrific month:
Tulosta se.
Set your goals for July.
Chase them down!
NOTE: There are 2 versions of the calendar. When you click to get it you’ll get both. print out the one you want to use.
Page 1 = calendar with room to journal your workouts
Page 2 = Running / workout Schedule
July calendar Notes:
Running – how long / number of miles?
If you are following a training plan – keep it up!
You can do your runs and incorporate the strength moves into your plan for conditioning. listen to your body and don’t add or change anything if you’re feeling fatigued, sore or injured.
Note: Run training plans are written to balance pushing your endurance and fitness to improve without causing injury. adding in something extra (like speed work) puts additional wear and tear on your body. Don’t add in anything if you already feel like your body is sending any signals of potential injury or stress.
The main goal ought to always be to show up on race day feeling 100%. So make it a priority to give your body the rest and fuel it needs to recover and stay healthy.
If you don’t have a training plan (right now) you can use the 2nd calendar page – it’s much more of a running schedule.
The calendar suggests 3 runs a week: Monday / Wednesday / Friday. Saturday is an optional day where you can choose if you want to run or do another activity.
If your goal is to stay fit and healthy objective for about >>> 30 minutes of running (or run/walk) Monday / Wednesday / Friday.
If you’re a new runner, coming back after time off or need some flexibility in your plan due to other elements – use the Run / walk Strategy. note how long you run and how long you walk (usually in minutes) and how it feels. write this on the July calendar so you can track your progress. and this will give you extra insight on when you can run for longer intervals if you want to build that up.
Running Tip: A Running Log can give you so much information to help you run faster, longer, better and healthier. Käytä sitä!
Using a training Journal is one of the best running books you can read. It’s a ton of information on the most essential runner in your life – YOU. and you can use training logs or journals to see what type of workouts help you get faster or run longer… how much mileage your body can take without injury… your fitness level at different times in the past and how those compare with your race times… ja enemmän.
If you have much more time and a base level of fitness where you want to do much more >>> 30-60 minutes of running may be a better range for you. check out this example of how much to run each week for inspiration to plan your runs for the week.
Running schedule Example:
Monday: 30-45 minute run
Tuesday: strength
Wednesday: 30 minutes on a hilly route
Thursday: strength
Friday: 30-45 minute run
Saturday: you choose an activity
Sunday: Rest
Keep Track of all your workouts best on the calendar. (There are 2 pages – first page is mostly blank to journal. page 2 is much more of a running schedule.)
This will help you see your progress, observe your body’s signals (good or bad) and track your mileage and pace so you have much more information to decide if you’re ready to run much more or run faster.
Information To help You rock Your Running This Month:
How to do the Run / walk Strategy
Your Q&A – how long ought to You Train for a half Marathon?
What’s a virtual Race & how Do You Run One
7 suggestions to stay motivated training for a virtual Race
Marathon training Day 1 video running journal
Goal setting Workbook for Runners
FOLLOW @RUNEATREPEAT ON INSTAGRAM for the most recent suggestions and updates!
Always check with your doctor before trying any new diet or exercise routine.
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