Sundays are a rest day for me, however my legs requirement a bit motion after a long run so I went for a walk with Ben this morning. We made a pit stop at Jamba for a shared smoothie.
By the time we got house I was a lot more than prepared for breakfast. I made a incredibly quick scramble sandwich with a Pomelo on the side (Farmer’s Market purchase).
MY most current VIDEOS
Running idea stay healthy during the COVID19 Outbreak
Running idea to stay healthy during the Coronavirus outbreak. Can you run as well as walk outside during the stay at house order? Here’s a tip to assist you prevent touching your deal with …
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Jessica Simpson memoir – open book review
It’s like a moderate grapefruit, however the skin is extremely very thick.
Ben as well as I hit up the church we went to a couple weekends back to try again. I still like it, however people are friendly to the point of making me a bit embarrassed? Onko siinä järkeä?
Back at house Ben was craving a cheeseburger for lunch, however I made a decision to make something. I nuked a Southwestern Soufflé from garden lites. liked it, however these don’t make the very best salad topping since they crumble.
And then he walked in with this… fried zucchini as well as french fries. He stated he desired both, however the orders include a ton of each! So, I had to assist of program I made sure to get a plate to put my serving on so I didn’t eat the entire batch before realizing it. Fries just “disappear” around me.
I ran some tasks this afternoon as well as had this bit person as a snack. It’s like a shot of tequila yogurt.
I didn’t recognize exactly how long I was going to be out as well as didn’t have a snack on hand so I came house prepared to eat my arm off again. I made a incredibly quick batch of protein pancakes (my wonderful tooth is to life as well as extremely well!).
And considering that I only had drops of syrup left I had to improvise with toppings. I utilized this new discover – chuckling Cow Strawberry cream Cheese. *Tip: this pack came with a dollar off sticker ideal on it that I used.
Protein pancakes topped with PB&J as well as cream cheese – I vow this tasted like funnel cake!
Now for Sunday set up for March 3, 2012….
This week is going to be a bit crazy for me. Ben as well as I are going to vegas for one night Monday to Tuesday. Then, I have an all the time that huge natural products expo on Friday. as well as Saturday is the Refuel event in Los Angeles.
Eating Plan:
I stocked up on veggies as well as eggs as well as protein powder for the week. as well as I have a box ‘o salad for tomorrow’s road trip. I am going to track whatever I eat even though I’m hectic as well as just make sure to eat additional clean to enable for drinks!
Monday: 6 miles
Tuesday: walking around Vegas, Ripped level 1
Wednesday: 8 miles tempo pace
Thursday: Yoga
Friday: 5 miles
Saturday: 18 miles?
Sunday: Rest, rest, rest.
Search Me Sunday – the top searches that brought people to RER this week:
hot mommy food – even if I was a mommy I couldn’t assist ya there.
fear of runny eggs – send those my way!
how to diet plan when you’re always hungry as well as like carbs – Please let me understand if you discover the response to this one…
what to do after eating as well much cinnamon – I can’t assist you there. eat as well much cinnamon toast crunch as well as I’m your girl.
eating nothing however a jar of nutella a day – Is this the next diet plan craze? I must get stock in Nutella.
are running shorts made to pee in? – Joo. On a associated note, things that occur on a long run stay on a long run
Question: exactly how are you getting prepared for this week?
What food “disappears” around you??
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